Armada’s Managing Director & CEO, Dr Ross McGowan commented:
“We are delighted that the MobileMT survey has exceeded our expectations and achieved its objective of identifying a new generation of priority Ni-Cu targets for ground-based follow-up and potential drill testing later in 2023. Importantly, the preliminary modelling represents a validation of our exploration approach to round off a successful 2022 exploration campaign. We will now use the test survey flown over the existing Libonga targets to confidently extrapolate and define anomalies of potential exploration importance along both the Libonga-Matchiti and Ngongo-Yoyo Trends. Further, ground-based programs will be used to de-risk any future drill programs and we are ready to start this work as we advance planned drill testing of our highest priority targets.”

Airborne MobileMT surveys with high resolution and great depth of investigation significantly reduce exploration risks, direct to quick discoveries, and provide a long-term basis for further exploration. “Mobile MT remains at the forefront of emerging exploration geophysical technologies. The “mobile” aspect of magnetotellurics, with data acquisition being possible with helicopter support, is a development which is proving to be a significant evolutionary shift in airborne geophysical methodologies.” James Sykes, CEO and President of Baselode Energy.

“We are very pleased by the ongoing drill success at Red Top and the further expansion of a new porphyry footprint in one of the world’s top porphyry copper districts. The geological context and geometry of the target area are coming into focus and we look forward to establishing Red Top as a premier copper exploration project,” comments Adam Melnik, Chief Executive Officer. “Zacapa is incorporating the newly acquired (MobileMT) geophysical data along with more detailed mapping and remote sensing to assist us in vectoring toward the core of a new copper-molybdenum porphyry system in Arizona.”
John Gardiner, P.Geo. and CEO of Taranis states, “We suspect are working with an intact linked epithermal-porphyry system at Thor. After successfully confirming the epithermal model in 2021, we flew an airborne MobileMT survey over the project in May of 2022 that was aimed at understanding a feature that was historically called the ‘Intrusive Target’. The data from those surveys has reinforced the interpretation that there is an intact porphyry source present below the epithermal Mineral Resource. If this concept is borne out by drilling, the ‘Elephant’ at Thor and the nearby Max molybdenum deposit would be the easternmost cluster of porphyry bodies in British Columbia”
Conquest Resources’ Chief Geophysicist commented, “The MobileMT survey has gone a long way to uncover the secrets of the Temagami Anomaly. We can more clearly understand the distribution of shallow to deep sources that may be contributing to the magnetic and gravity measurements. This in turn will help us explore closer to the surface. The discovery of this large area of low resistivity south of the DGC leases and away from the main Iron Formation trends is encouraging for exploration for both Archean VMS and mafic intrusive deposits.”
Aaron Stone, CEO of Metallica Metals commented, “MobileMT survey results are a great addition to the already strong geophysical indicators that we also received on our Sammy Ridgeline Project. There is a renewed PGM focus in area after Generation’s Marathon discovery, who have proven that the Coldwell/Schreiber-Hemlo geological contact, of which we hold the western portion, is ripe for hosting mineralization. With planning already underway for a program on our Sammy Ridgeline Project, it’s great to now have a backlog of new exploration targets that warrant follow-up ground work.”
“We are very excited about our 2020 exploration plans for the Curipamba project, as they complement ongoing development work focused on moving the El Domo deposit forward towards development,” Adventus Zinc Corporation vice president Jason Dunning said. “The new exploration targets recently generated from data acquired by the state‐of‐the‐art MobileMT geophysical survey, not only verify some historical targets but also highlight the strong discovery potential in new areas on the under-explored property,” he said. “A new discovery within Curipamba could be significantly additive to the already robust economics of the El Domo deposit.”
“Given the extensive overburden cover at Captain, Orestone elected to carry out an airborne MobileMT survey over the entire property as a cost effective and efficient exploration tool. MT geophysical surveying is a deep seeking, electromagnetic method typically employed for defining deep structures, geothermal systems, and targeting deep mineralized systems such as porphyry deposits. Examples of large buried porphyry deposits associated with strong resistivity lows (conductivity highs) are the Resolution Mine in Arizona, Collahuasi and El Salvador mines in Chile and the Pebble deposit in Alaska.” stated David Hottman, CEO and Director of Orestone Mining Corp.
Aurania Resources Ltd.’s Chairman & CEO, Dr. Keith Barron commented, “The MobileMT data is providing us with a three-dimensional image of the Tsenken target area in which we are able to see the sedimentary layering through differences in the electrical conductivity of the various strata. The new Tsenken West target is large and strong and lies right on the edge of the massive Tsenken Central magnetic feature. We assume that the conductive zone is an area of electrically conductive sulphides perhaps in some way linked to the adjacent magnetic centre. We’re excited to start the drilling at Tsenken N1 – Tsenken West.”
“The MobileMT geophysical data interpretations depict fault zones of the Virgin River Shear Zone that penetrate deeper than 1 km below the surface. Within these structures, we have interpreted bi-furcating and sub-parallel conductive corridors that were previously not observed. These corridors’ presence suggests near-surface and shallow oblique-slip dilation structures, such as flower-structures and horsetail splays. Dilation structures are necessary as they act as a vacuum and trap, drawing in hydrothermal fluids that deposit uranium. These critical structures act as targeting vectors for our upcoming drill campaign,” said James Sykes, Baselode Energy Corp.’s CEO & President.
Corazon Mining Limited Managing Director, Brett Smith, said drilling also confirmed MobileMT’s effectiveness in identifying areas most favourable for magmatic nickel-copper-cobalt sulphides at Lynn Lake. All holes drilled within the target area west of the FLC have intersected favourable host rocks and extensive indications of magmatic sulphide mineralisation. “The aerial MobileMT geophysics identified a large area of conductance, previously not recognised as prospective for nickel-copper sulphides,” Mr Smith said.
Aaron Stone, CEO of Metallica Metals commented, “The results of the MobileMT survey followed by the in-depth structural analysis and target generation work are very encouraging. These two blocks have never before seen surface exploration work conducted with a PGM focus in mind. These new generated targets will allow us to focus on areas that could potentially hold important PGM mineralization. The Company plans to complete an initial ground exploration program during the upcoming field season.”
“The results of the MobileMT survey are highly encouraging showing better definition of the large T1 gold dominant porphyry target. With definition of an area of approximately one cubic kilometre (1km³) in size there is more than enough room to encounter some considerable tonnage. ” states David Hottman, CEO, and Director of Orestone Mining Corp.
John Gardiner, CEO of Taranis Resources, a geologist with more than 30 years in the mining industry: “Recently, I have been spending a lot of time looking at the data from our EGL MobileMT survey, and particularly trying to tie the results into the geology at Thor. Last summer, we were able to ground proof some of these MobileMT anomalies, and make some major gains ‘decoding’ the geology by further mapping, petrology, NIR/SWIR and geochemistry. This airborne system is really an exciting step forward for geo’s! Just roll up your sleeves, and prepare to dig deep in the data. There is a treasure chest of information!”